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What data is sent when attaching logs to the feedback form?
What data is sent when attaching logs to the feedback form?
Heidi Liou avatar
Written by Heidi Liou
Updated over 2 years ago

When using the feedback form (accessible in the Rewind menu under "Share Feedback...") to submit info about a bug, you have the option to attach logs with your message to help with debugging your issue:

If attached, logs include Rewind application activity from up to the last 12 hours of usage. The logs do not include any non-Rewind application activity, your search queries/history, or any details of recorded content.

System Report

When submitting Bugs or Bad Stuff, we attach a system_report.log file that contains information about your app, system, and device in order to assist with our ability to troubleshoot and address your issue.

Here's an example of what system_report.log might look like:


Bundle Identifier: com.memoryvault.MemoryVault
Name: Rewind
Version: 1.0.0
Build: 1


Unique ID: 12341234-ABCD-1234-ABCD-1234ABCD1234
Operating System: macOS 13.0.1 (Build 22A400)
Architecture: arm64
Model: MacBookPro18,2
Screen(s): [1728 x 1117 (2.0), 2560 x 1440 (1.0)]
Processor Count: 10
Memory: 64 GB
Low Power Mode Enabled: false


Analytics ID: 12341234-ABCD-1234-ABCD-1234ABCD1234
Analytics Email: [email protected]
Preferred Language(s): ["en-US", "es-US"]

Please note that your Analytics Email is only included in this report if it has already been provided to us via the Analytics Settings menu.

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